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Eden Research (AIM: EDEN) – exciting and long overdue developments

27/05/2015 · Eden Research PLC (EDEN) 
Eden Research is the AIM listed developer of natural solutions to agricultural, medical and industrial problems. At present, the primary focus of the Group is in the innovative use of terpenes, a naturally occurring compound, to create an exciting array of low-risk agricultural chemicals.
Yesterday the Group announced that it has received authorisation of its first product, 3AEY, for use in the prevention and treatment of botrytis (commonly known as bunch rot in viticulture) in table and wine grapes from the Regulatory Affairs Directorate in Malta. This is extremely welcome and long overdue news for the company which was incorporated in 1996 and has been actively pursuing authorisation to sell 3AEY for nearly eight years. Eden Research has consumed over £22m in their long development journey. However now they have patented and authorised products they should begin to generate some revenue. The market size…

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