ASOS prepares to take back its golden crown on AIM

Nick Beighton’s departure from ASOS (AIM:ASC) has the feel of the sacking of a football manager who hasn’t delivered what the owners want. Under his tenure, the company’s performance has been steady with revenues rising in every year at a compound annual rate of 19%. But there have been missed promises along the way and it has been a long time since ASOS delivered the silverware for its investors. But are things about to change, for the better?
From an all-time high of almost 8000p in 2018, the ASOS share price recent fell back to 2266p – a level not seen since 2013, when operating profits were a quarter of those achieved in the 2021 financial year.
Beighton isn’t the only senior director on his way out. Serial-chairman Adam Crozier is vacating his position as the head of the board for the same role at BT and will be replaced by Ian…
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